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Throughout this unit I have been doing different types of research such as primary and secondary to gain information on what my audience’s preferences would be for my music video.



I found it quite challenging to complete my research as I wouldn’t know how to even start it and I aimed to do a lot of both primary and secondary research, but unfortunately I was unable to meet the expectations I wanted to (Eg: I wanted to do 10 pages of secondary research but I did just 8). Therefore I am a little bit disappointing on myself because it is the first time when I am not satisfied with my work or proud to handed it in. I feel like I haven’t put that much effort into completing this task, which is also new to me!


I took the wrong decision to not ask questions when I wasn’t at the lessons or leave everything on the last minute, mistakes which led me to start panicking and having lack of time to complete everything, which I hate to do. I have never been in a last minute situation before but on the other hand I am glad that I went through this experience now because I have learnt from it and I will make sure I won’t repeat it again.



My main problem was that I was on holiday in Romania and I was the last to ask earlier my colleagues what I needed to do for the deadline because I thought already have everything done but it was the exactly opposite because when I arrived back I found out that my work was incomplete.


Thus, I called Troy and he told me what we need to do and also ask some advises from him while doing my work. I also started to do my surveys and after that I tried to message as many people as I could for my second and first survey so I can get feedback, even if I had some responses they weren’t enough for a good feedback.



Even if it was the worst experience of my life I am glad that I have learnt something from this mistake. It helped me to understand that communication is very important when doing a project. Moreover when you are in another country and you miss the first deadline it is good to have everything done from before and more important than that to know exactly what you need to hand in; I need to use the brief more frequently and to pay more attention to it.


Furthermore, I have learnt that it is better to try and associate my survey with a large variety of people in order to gain the results and information for a greater feedback.


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